Jumping on the blogging bandwagon

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A job or a career?

If you google "job vs career", you'll get 358,000 results. Obviously I am not the only person pondering this question.

According to Cambridge Dictionaries Online -
1. job (EMPLOYMENT), noun , the regular work which a person does to earn money. Interestingly, 'boob job', 'dead-end job' and 'inside job' also appear.
2. The definition for career is essentially 'job'. Big help.

Webster's English Dictionary states:
1. job \'ja:b\ n: something that has to be done : TASK; a specific duty, role, or function; a regular remunerative position
2. ca.reer \k*-'ri(*)r\ n: a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling

So which one do you have? And which one do you want?
How did I go through the last 5 years not realising that there was a difference, and that I had a choice to make?
What is my answer? (why are there so many questions in this paragraph?)
That's the million dollar question.
(What a cop-out post you may say. Truthfully, I don't know what the answer is yet. But when I do, I will share.)

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