Jumping on the blogging bandwagon

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Apple Pie

Ok, so it seems no one is reading our blog for cooking instruction. Will just upload pictures of the stuff I've been making to (hopefully) make you drool then.
I did two apple pies this week using Martha Stewart's pie crust, had a bit of trouble with the butter melting in our heat (cannot wait for an airconditioned kitchen with a marble slab, and a full size oven!!!!) but all in all not too bad at all.
If you want to give it a try leave a message and I'll send you the recipe.


Lee and Nadia said...

It's mean to put pics of apple pie that you've baked for OTHER people on your blog. Make some apple pie for ME please.

fong said...

I'm impressed you made all that stuff with your convection microwave oven, haha. Ovens are standard here in the U.S., of course. Our cheapo apt comes with a gas oven and it's great. We use it to cook everything.

Sam's mom has an oven that has a little compartment that can be heated up independently. (I guess it's really two ovens side by side) It's great for reheating muffins and other small things.

Nat said...

wha piang, darling, no time to cook yet, but when I do... will give you a shout for recipes!