Jumping on the blogging bandwagon

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Changi Boardwalk

We've been trying to exercise. TS has been running and swimming, I bought a yoga mat. And every weekend that we're not on call, we've been doing a little morning walk. Last weekend we did Bukit Timah nature reserve and East Coast Parkway. Unfortunately we had Prata for breakfast on Saturday and Nasi Lemak on Sunday so not sure how many net calories we burnt...
Anyway, Thursday evening, TS and I decided to catch the sunset at Changi.Planning the Ayam Penyet dinner (see below) to follow of course.
We brought along my little IXUS point-and-shoot because he was too lazy to get his D200, but ended up with some pretty decent shots.My attempt at an 'arty' shot...
Amazing beams of light created by sun setting behind some clouds.
Kelong portion of the boardwalk
An oilrig, such an eyesore in the day, becomes such a pretty lighted feature.

For amateurs like me, shoot in "m" for manual mode on your idiot-proof cam, limits the compensation the camera does so night looks like night and day looks like day. Also, contrary to my instinct, underexposing in the fading light produces more realistic looking scenes. All the above tips courtesy of TS of course.

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